Dickerson Park Zoo – April 2024

My first trip of the season to the Dickerson Park Zoo was back at the end of March (post 1, post 2); my second was near the end of April when my sister and brother-in-law visited. Like the first visit, there were lots of peacocks wandering through the zoo; this time there were peahens too and there were some instances where it looked like the birds were either already incubating eggs…or getting a ‘nest’ ready. There was a male just past the entrance that was actively displaying for a peahen…moving both the upright tail feathers and the supporting structures behind the big tail. The birds were also vocalizing the whole time we were at the zoo.

Daffodils were replaced with irises blooming in clumps along the walkways and the sides of the stream.

I enjoyed the enclosure for flamingos, roseate spoonbills, and scarlet ibis.

There was one flamingo that was sitting and kept its head in the dirt…perhaps not feeling so well. All the other birds seemed to be active (particularly the spoonbills) and enjoying the afternoon.

I zoomed in on some feathers that had been shed in the enclosure. It is interesting that the feathers are white toward the base….very colorful in the part furthest from the body of the bird (when attached).

The trumpeter swans were on the pond as they were last time – perhaps a little perturbed by the tree trimming that was happening nearby.

Both the cheetahs and lions were out – and one of the cheetahs was moving around a lot. It could have been responding to the extra noise.

One bongo was relaxing while the other nibbled at leaves.

I zoomed in on the elephant’s eye – realized that they are amber in color. A keeper came to give hay to the elephant and asked if we had questions. I asked if all elephants have amber eyes and evidently that is the eye color for Asian elephants. The elephant is named Patience and she is a geriatric elephant; she likes to be alone rather than with the other female (they don’t get along).

I took another picture of the little elephant sculpture…probably my favorite sculpture at the zoo. I think the shiny top of its head is where people touch it the most!

It was starting to sprinkle but we wanted to see the giraffes. One of the young ones was intent on getting some grass near the fence.

My brother-in-law became mesmerized watching a little girl held by her mother feed the giraffes romaine lettuce; she was an expert…must do it frequently.

We headed back to the zoo store where my sister bought one of almost every item shaped like a turtle! It was a good finale for our visit to the zoo.

Filling a Day of Social Distance – 3/29/2020

Continuing the blog post series prompted by COVID-19….

Here are the unique activities for yesterday:

Catching up on the Cincinnati Zoo’s Home Safaris:

Savoring a dark chocolate reward for a weight loss goal achievement! I’m still slightly ‘overweight’ for my height so I’ll be celebrating each ‘new low’ from now on until I get into the ‘normal’ range. I have a supply of dark chocolate to reward myself to make 9 more step reductions since I only eat 2 squares (the serving size on the packaging is 3…but that makes the servings come out uneven). It should be easier to watch portion size and stick to nutritious and lower calories food now that I am eating at home. My downfall is usually eating in restaurants (particularly when I am traveling) and events where food is provided (it always looks and tastes so good).

Replacing cabinet/drawer bumpers all over our house. My husband had ordered them from Amazon when he noticed that a lot of the ones on the cabinets were gone or degraded after 25 years. They came in the mail early this week. After letting the package sit for a few days (to let any coronavirus die), he went around the house to apply them yesterday….a little home maintenance while we have time for it!

Completing proxy voting prior to stockholder meetings. Most companies with near term stockholder meetings will probably shift to virtual meetings…or some other way to insure social distancing. I never go to the meetings…but I do vote!

Using up the last of the garlic from the 2019 Community Supported Agriculture share. I used the last cloves of garlic…and that’s all I had left from the CSA…everything in the freezer or dried has been used. I hope the weather cooperates and the pandemic is stabilized enough that the CSA starts at its normal time in June.

Hearing children at play. I had my office window open in the afternoon when the temperature was in the 60s…lots of birdsong…then I heard the voices of young children playing. Their dad was running with them through the long ‘playground’ of unfenced back yards. What a joyous way to send off the day!

Previous “filling a day of social distance” posts: 3/15, 3/16, 3/17, 3/18, 3/19, 3/20, 3/21, 3/22, 3/23, 3/24, 3/25, 3/26, 3/27, 3/28