Filling a Day of Social Distance – 3/23/2020

Continuing the blog post series prompted by COVID-19….

Here are the unique activities for yesterday – a rainy day in Maryland:

Wearing copper feather earrings from New Mexico. I bought them on one of our trips to the state…more than a decade ago….maybe more than 2 decades. It’s fun to shift through earrings, finding a pair that I haven’t worn in a long time, remembering where they came from, enjoying them for a day. Repeat with another pair tomorrow.


Cooking a meal in the oven. We usually cook on the stove top or grill or have meals that don’t require coking at all. Today we had a meal from the oven:  chicken and potatoes (sweet for me, russet for my husband), and spice cake muffins (the recipe called for applesauce and they were yummy). It felt a little like a holiday meal – which was a boost on a cold rainy day.

Deciding to do curbside pickup at the grocery store rather than going into the store. This is big deal for us but probably a good ‘next step’ in increasing our social distancing. It will take a little longer for us to get our groceries and I’ll just have to accept the produce that is selected for me. The services are stressed right now in our area; evidently a lot of people are going this route and the hiring of extra personnel has not kept up.

Previous “filling a day of social distance” posts: 3/15, 3/16, 3/17, 3/18, 3/19, 3/20, 3/21, 3/22