Cancer Diary – Entry 3

There were two weeks between my cancer diagnosis and the appointment with the surgeon. It’s a time of waiting. The challenge is to stay focused rather than anxious. I kept to my routines that have been honed over the years to keep stress productive rather than destructive:

  • Writing things down…and letting them go. Setting a goal of journal entries of about 2,000 words per day…documenting whatever I am thinking about.

  • Creating Zentangle tiles as islands of calm that result is something of beauty.

  • Sticking to routines of life like grocery shopping and a haircut and yardwork…savoring the activity and the results.

  • Browsing at least 4 books per day. Internet Archive makes it easy and costs nothing. My interests are broad so there is always a good supply on my ‘to browse’ list.

  • Staying in touch with family. My daughter calls 3-4 times a week. I talk to my mother once a week. Texts fly almost daily with my sisters and daughter.

  • Volunteering is more limited with the pandemic still impacting it…but it did resume this fall and I count it as a ‘routine’ even though it didn’t happen last fall or spring.

  • Making a daily blog post…building up the posts to come out in the days ahead like I always do before travel. Now I am doing it so that I don’t have to worry about appointments or the surgery itself making it difficult to get posts ready to go.

  • Exercise….sticking with the 12,000 steps per day and the 30 minutes of mindfulness/yoga. I feel better physically and mentally with this sustained routine.

There have also been special ‘projects’ undertaken during this waiting time…keeping myself busy -

  • Day lily photograph – both zoomed and high key. I recognized the opportunity as soon as I saw the stalk of buds in my front flower bed.

  • Day trip to Longwood Gardens. Getting out and about on a beautiful fall day in a relatively safe way as the pandemic continues.

  • Savoring seasonal food – replacing salads with soups on cool fall days and enjoying the combinations of flavors. Green salsa is my favorite condiment right now.

  • I continued my quest to lose a few pounds – watching my calories and nutrition (Cronometer app). My goal it to be in the best possible health I can be going into surgery.

  • Getting trees trimmed. Our sycamore is brushing our roof and a skylight. It is so tall that I’ve arranged for an arborist to trim it and our plum tree; it was about a 3 week wait between getting the estimate and the work being done. Hope the weather cooperates!

Overall – the two weeks has been a time for me to Internalize the new reality…and anticipating a new normal after surgery. I’ve also gone from 1 medical related portal to 4! It would be great to somehow have them all consolidated but medical care in the US is often fragmented along specialty or provider network lines rather than focused on integrated patient care.