30 Years Ago – February 1990

30 years ago this month - Our household was beginning to make changes to sustain itself with a baby that was increasingly active. In February she became even more adept at rolling, got two baby teeth and began eating in the highchair (colorful food like carrots seemed to be favorites). About the time the first teeth came in, her tongue thrust became much less pronounced. She managed to hold things in her hands for longer periods….and we managed to capture the first picture of her with a book. She was awake and interacting much more during the day…and sleeping through the night most of the time.

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My husband and I were planning our first mini-vacation with the baby before family visits to our house started in March. It was going to be tacked onto a trip he needed to make for work. I was already beginning to wean the baby and plan what I needed to do before I started back to work part-time in May. I didn’t want her to associate weaning with me suddenly being gone.

At the same time, my husband and I were finally acknowledging the stress we both were experiencing after being a couple for over 15 years…and adding a baby in the mix. The transition was harder than we anticipated but it was beginning to improve by the end of February because we were finally acknowledged that we needed to actively work on it.

Previous 30 years ago posts can be found here.