An Egg

I started with an idea to use an egg for a photo project. Originally the plan was to put the egg in different containers…contrasting the colors and shapes of the egg with its container. I started with the small bowl from my blue tulip depression glass. It was too big!

I looked closer….to get the wobbly crescent of blue color on the egg from the sunshine through the glass. I also noticed the shadow on the left and how the pitted surface of the eggshell was more noticeable near the line between sunlight and shadow…just as the moon craters stand out at the edge of light and dark of a crescent moon. I also got an inkling of the window screen shadow on the egg.

Looking even closer at the egg…the pits and screen shadow.

I repositioned the egg to the windowsill and saw that the shadow of the screen is distorted by the shape of the egg!

Another change in positions and getting closer so that the pits of the shell show again. Where did those little flecks of orange come from?

Overall – a quick project…and quite different than I anticipated….more about the egg, shadow, pits…than the container for the egg!

Ice Day

The snow changed to sleet then rain around 3 PM and then the temperature dipped below freezing again overnight leaving it looking like snow on the ground but there was an icy crust on top of the snow and the streets were rutted ice. The gutters of the house were clogged with snow that had become icy. So – we had an Ice Day after a Snow Day.

I took some pictures in the early morning darkness. The temperature was about 25…and it looked like there was still white everywhere…the street looking white too. I’d heard a vehicle go by and there were enough cracking sounds to indicate that the street was not clear…was not turned to slush by an application of salt.

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As the sun came up, the street looked treacherous and our driveway looked snow packed. I took some zoomed pictures of the azalea outside our front door with ice nodules held by its leaves.

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I had scheduled a donation pickup from our front porch which I changed to leave in the garage – although I’m not sure they will come…maybe the street will be better by this afternoon.

The best picture of the morning was of our backyard. I didn’t realize until I was reviewing the pictures that I’d gotten the shadow of a dove in flight! My intent was to document the low place in our backyard making a little stream of melt water….but sometimes the unexpected happens and makes for more than a documentary picture.

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