Collecting Puzzles

One of my parents’ favorite challenges is a new puzzle. That dominoes into a challenge for my sisters and I to keep them supplied! August has been a good month for collecting puzzles after they completed the previous pile (i.e. ran out of puzzles they had not done before)!

One of my sisters ordered 3 from eBay. They like the 500 piece puzzles the best but appreciate an ‘easy’ one (300 piece) occasionally.

I bought 5 puzzles when I had a coupon that got the price down to about $8 each. There are two 1,000-piece puzzles in this group which could be hard for them but there are a lot of helpful clues in the map puzzles. They’ve enjoyed this brand of puzzles previously.

My daughter visited the Gateway National Park in St. Louis and bought a puzzle for her grandparents. It is an unusual one: the box is triangular, and the pieces have a back and front (i.e. it is two puzzles in one…Gateway Arch views from the Mississippi at night and from the city during the day). There are 500 pieces...hopefully not too challenging.

My local library branch had a Friends of the Library sale that included puzzles! I bought 12. They were $2 each….a good deal! There are two more sales this fall that are close enough to me; I’ll be collecting enough puzzles to keep them busy until April when the next sale is scheduled!