Byam Shaw Illustrations

There are 6 eBooks I’ve browsed recently on Internet Archive that feature Byam Shaw illustrations. I enjoyed the richness of details and colors. These books are well worth browsing!

Steel, Flora Annie, The adventures of Akbar, 1913

Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, Guinevere, 1892

Hope, Laurence, The garden of Kama and other love lyrics from India , 1914

Poe, Edgar Allen, Selected Tales of Mystery, 1909

Hadden, James Cuthbert, The Operas of Wagner, 1908

Bunyan, John, Pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come, 1905

I always enjoy finding out a little more about the artist when I find books like these. Wikipedia is where I look first. This time I found that Byam Shaw was active prior to World War I and died in his 40s during the influenza epidemic. The Wikipedia article mentioned a semi-autobiographical painting (My Wife, My Bairns and My Wee Dog John); a quick Google search found an article about it on the Humber Museums website.