Springfield Botanical Garden – June 2022 (1)

So much in gardens changes between visits. The mosaics near rose garden of the Springfield Botanical Gardens are a constant although they depict aspects of the garden during the warmer part of the year.

June is still early enough in the season that the roses were full of blooms although the hot days were coming earlier in the year; hopefully the watering regime would keep them going a bit further into the summer.

The hosta garden is one of my favorite places when it is hot…very shady and plenty of plants that thrive in the dampness (sustained by mist watering) under the trees.

It was a bit of slog over to the Kickapoo Edge Prairie…but I was rewarded with a stand of milkweed in bloom near the end.

My route looped back by the Monarch play area…on the way to….

More about my walk around the garden in June tomorrow.

Posts about previous visit to the garden and Mizumoto Japanese Stroll Garden in April 2022