Staging our House

We’ve got our instructions for staging our house in Maryland. Nothing surprising:

  • Open the blinds and pull back sheers/drapery…or take the drapery down completely.

  • Taking the dividers out of the transom windows gives them an updated look.

  • Take any hangers or nails for pictures out of the wall….leaving the holes is OK.

  • Clean any bugs/dust out of overhead light fixtures.

  • Weed the front flowerbeds…cut or pull anything that hangs over the sidewalk to the front door particularly.

  • The stager complimented us on the plans already made to replace the carpet…that the paint inside and out was in excellent condition.

Our plan: Complete the actions as soon as we can. By the time the pictures are taken for the house to go on the market and people start to look at the house, it will be empty. Anything left can go in a closet or in the garage.