CSA Week 15

I’ve put another gallon ziplock of tomatoes in the freezer; this week we only got 3 more pounds of sauce tomatoes…the beautiful small ones are done for the year. I did pick up an heirloom tomato from the overage box to savor with a little salt and fresh oregano.

New in the crisper this week are chard and scallions. I have eggplant to make into balls - a big batch. The garlic supply is replenished. There were 3 kinds of peppers (bell, snack and hot; I traded the hot ones for more chard).

There were also 2 more pounds of potatoes. Fortunately they last without refrigeration since the other items were bulky.

Overall - the bag for this share was seemed heavier that previous shares (except for the ones that included a watermelon).

My crispers are full and there are bins in the other part of the refrigerator. It is all good eating - but almost too abundant. More than tomatoes may need to be processed into the freezer. 

CSA Week 8

I cleared out most of the remains of past shares before I picked up the week 8 haul. Only cucumbers, leeks, onions and garlic were left!

There was another onion in the week 8 share - and a bunch of scallions. It was a second week for tomatoes and continuation of summer squash/cucumbers. Items new this week were thyme, bell pepper and potatoes (purple!). I got three small kohlrabies from the overage table.

And there was a sunflower too! I cut off the stem a bit to fit it into an old wine decanter.

A special treat this morning for breakfast….purple hash browns seasoned with rosemary and scrambled eggs! Yum!

CSA Week 3

I had no trouble using up everything from the week 2 share from the CSA with a house guest here for most of the week. The last to be eaten was the lettuce - we ate big salads with it just before we went to pick up the week 3 share from the Gorman Farm CSA.

It was another good one: (starting at the left in the picture) beets, broccoli, scallions, dandelion greens, garlic scapes, and arugula.  

When I got the produce home - I cooked the beets (setting the leaves and stems aside) immediately in water laced with raspberry vinegar. While they were cooking I rinsed everything (including the beet greens) and stored everything in 2 plastic bins that fit neatly into the crispers; that will shorten the prep for meals. I started the prep for making fruit beety (getting out the food processor, cutting up oranges). By that time the beets were done and I quickly peeled them and cut them into chunks before processing them with all the other ingredients to make fruit beety. After packing individual servings of the confection - I rewarded myself with fruit beety with coconut on top.