Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument

We had Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument to ourselves when we were there a few weeks ago. It was cold and breezy with snow and ice still clinging to the cinders in all the places that did not get full sun. It was quite a contrast to previous visits to the monument that were extremely hot with the sun glaring off the rock.

I did notice a pine tree that had probably been struck by lightning at some point. Part of the tree managed to survive and is now almost as large as the original trunk! Surely it was there a few years ago - but I didn’t notice it then.

The trail was too covered with snow and ice to be passable without boot spikes and poles - so I contented myself with a few pictures from the trail over the cinders. Some of the lava is very black and some shows the colors that gave the crater its name.

I like the idea of visiting this monument during the cooler months. It would be the best time to the hike (as long as there is not ice and snow). I was glad I didn’t have any altitude problems since it is quite a bit higher than Tucson; I did focus on making sure I drank water even when I wasn’t thirsty.