CSA Week 20

Sigh….Next week will be the last week for our CSA. I’ll miss the creative meal planning to use up the weekly share; I’ve enjoyed it. I’ll have to shift the way I shop in my grocery’s produce section to achieve a similar result. In past years, it has been too easy to slip into the purchase of the same fresh veggies week after week.

We managed to eat the entire week 19 share so I had both crispers clear for the week 20 produce. That has worked out well. The pac choi is huge! I traded the hot peppers for arugula (someone getting a full share had put it on the trade table) but otherwise cheered for the variety and quantity of peppers: green bell peppers, sweet pepper mix and colorful bell peppers. There were the slender Japanese eggplants in the mix; they are my favorite for stir fries.  I used one in the stir fry last night along with stems and leaves from one of the kohlrabi, some arugula, and some pac choi.  I am trying to decide if I want to use the broccoli in soup or salad!

I have a few things that will last for quite a while from the CSA: garlic, sweet potatoes, and butternut squash. I’ve added the sweet potatoes from the CSA to the ones I harvested from by deck garden. The pile is in the glass bird bath that I recently brought indoors for the season.

CSA Week 18

When the CSA shares first started back in June, I always tried to have both crispers pretty empty when I picked up the weekly share. It didn’t work this week because I was away for too much of the week. I had Romaine lettuce, green beans, hot peppers, and escarole left (having made kale chips to get the kale out of the refrigerator earlier in the day!). All that fresh produce filled almost an entire crisper.

Unfortunately - all the items for week 18 are in the refrigerator now along with what is left from week 17. The crispers are overflowing with the added:

  • Red leafed lettuce (upper right)
  • Red Russian kale (lower left)
  • Rainbow chard (yellow and pink stems at the top)
  • Broccoli (upper left)
  • Arugula (lower right)
  • Scallions (the green tips peeking out to the left of the broccoli)
  • Eggplant (purple and white with an elfish looking cap)

I managed to eat the last of the green beans, a hot pepper, two chard leaves, and some arugula in a stir fry for dinner which helped the crowding a little. Then again - the crowding is really bounty worth celebrating...good eating in the days ahead.

CSA Week 3

I did a reasonable job of using up the veggies from week 2 of the Gorman Farms CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) ….although not quite as good as the week 1 share. I ended week 2 with some broccoli and spinach left to eat….and some beet leaves in the freezer. I discovered that the dandelion greens were excellent in salads, kale chips are wonderful snacks, and beets are yummy in Fruit Beety. Here’s the recipe for Fruit Beety:

Combine in a food processor: 3 cooked beets, 3 oranges, 2 tablespoons coconut (unsweetened), 1 teaspoon honey, juice of 1/2 lemon, 1 teaspoon grated lemon or orange peel, pinch salt, scant teaspoon of raspberry vinegar. Process for a minute or two. Mine was the consistency of a thick applesauce. Adjust honey or vinegar to taste. Chill to blend the flavors. This recipe results in 3 large snack servings (6 servings if with a meal). It is good by itself or with a dollop of plain yogurt!

Lessons learned from week 2: 1) have a salad or stir fry twice a day that uses a significant amount of produce, 2) make kale chips with the whole bunch right away next time they are included in the share (they keep well enough for a few days), and 3) remind my husband to eat at least one salad a day and sneak a leaf or two of something green into his strawberry smoothie.

Now for week 3:

I already have ideas for everything in this share….a lot of excellent meals ahead this next week!

CSA Week 2

My husband and I managed to eat everything from week 1 portion from the CSA except for 2 cups of frozen Romaine lettuce stock in the freezer - averting the disaster of the head of Romaine lettuce freezing in the overfull refrigerator. What did I find the best aspects of the week?

  • Garlic scapes - Excellent chopped up to use for scrambled eggs.
  • The smell - Somehow the smell of the fresh veggies reminded me of childhood summers when I visited by grandparents. Both sets had large gardens. It took me almost a week to recognize that aside from enjoying the wonderful flavors from the CSA produce (which I had anticipated) - it was the smell that was a pleasant surprise.
  • Cilantro - It is probably my favorite fresh herb. I enjoyed all the CSA provided…and cut more from the pots on my deck (that was already beginning to flower…and planted some more seeds in pots whose seedlings did not survive the hail several weeks ago.

I also learned the lesson that I simply making a list of the veggies may not be quite good enough to identify everything. When I went to pick up the week 2 portion yesterday, I took my camera.  The list for the medium share was quite different from last week.






Dandelion greens were somewhat new to me.  The leaves were a lot bigger than the dandelions that normally grow in my yard!  I enjoyed them as an addition to tomato soup last night (along with some broccoli); I put a chopped scallion on top. So I am off to a good start enjoying the week 2 produce.

Salanova baby lettuce was also new to me; it was a small head of tender leaves….it will be gone quickly!

The challenge for me this week is going to be the beets. I can remember my grandmother growing them but I don’t remember every eating them myself!  The CSA does have an exchange table but I am intent on trying the ‘new to me’ veggies! I’ll report on my beet experiences next week. The do have a wonderful color.

Broccoli - Through a Magnifying Glass

The structure of broccoli is just a little too small to be discernable without magnification. With so much of the outdoors being brown and white these days, the idea of looking at something green with my magnifying glasses was very appealing. I liked what I found! Even with the 8x loupe some of the detail emerged.

And then the 22x loupe showed even more.

Really Cooking

Having a home cooked meal is faster than going out for fast food - as long as the kitchen is ‘cook ready.’ I’ve been getting better at that recently with my favorite winter time meals - something warm and a complete meal in one dish.

The first type is a stir fry. I don’t generally have rice or noodles - preferring to fill up on the generally lower calorie veggies. Here’s my basic strategy to prepare a complete meal in 30 minutes or less.

Cut up veggies that need to cook the longest. Carrots, celery and bell pepper are examples. Add frozen veggies (I generally buy cauliflower and broccoli frozen since I can use it at the rate I want instead of being overwhelmed with the need to use up the amount I bought in the produce section). Begin the stir fry in a large skillet with a little olive oil. Season (I like orange zest and McCormick’s Pinch Perfect Citrus Fiesa).

While it cooks, cut up veggies that cook more quickly (like onions and mushrooms) and measure out protein (like dry roasted soybeans). Cut up broccoli and cauliflower if the pieces are too large with kitchen scissors once it has thawed. Add rest of veggies to the stir fry.

Once the onions and mushrooms have softened, add sauce (if desired). I like to use roasted garlic hummus with a quarter cup of water to coat the stir fry. It merely needs to be stirred in and heated.

And then it’s ready to eat!


The second type of meal I like in the winter is soup. I always make a bean soup for lunch on the day I cook a pot of beans (soaked overnight and then cooked the following morning). This week I cooked a package of dried black beans.

About 20 minutes before I wanted lunch, I took out a couple of cups if bean liquidfrom the pot to start my soup in a smaller pan. I added 1/4 cup multi-grain rice (that cooks in about 15 minutes), dried onion flakes, orange peel and a bouillon cube.

While that bubbled, I cut up mushrooms, yellow pepper and carrots. The veggies went into the pot along with a cup of the cooked black beans after the rice has been cooking for about 10 minutes. Cook until the rice and veggies are cooked….and it’s a warming and filling meal!

The rest of the beans are parcelled out to containers of about 1 cup each and frozen to be the start for soups in the coming weeks!