Volunteering in the Community

As I’ve posted about earlier this month September is the time of year to get back to school and be energized at home; it is also a good time to take a look at opportunities to ‘do good’ close to home. This year I took a little more systematic approach than I have previously; I thought more about the value to the community and the elements of the activity that would be satisfying to me as well. I looked at the organizations requesting volunteers through my county government’s coordination center and picked several to investigate more closely by looking at their website and talking to the organization. Eventually, I picked two and filled out the volunteer application forms. The themes for my volunteer work for the next year or so are going to be: 

  • Nature/conservation
  • Nature and elementary age children
  • Senior citizens independence 

I’m full of positive vibes about the volunteer opportunities - the needs are real, I’m confident that I can contribute, and that I’ll enjoy the whole experience. It's a matriarch thing to do.

Volunteering is another ‘start’ in September!

Discoveries during Outdoor Chores

Yesterday I was out early - to avoid the heat of the day - to clean out the weeds growing between the house and the bushes. My husband had noticed them when we were re-installing screens on the windows after replacing the screen material. As I was gathering my tools - I noticed something on my long handled pruners. At first I thought it was a large spider; on closer inspection it was a mantis. I went inside to retrieve my camera. The insect moved from the wooden to the green metal part of the handle which made it easier to see his posture. He posed for pictures and hung on with more vigor than I expected when I decided that I really did need to get to work rather than continuing to watch him.

After the contortioned work of cutting the bushes where they would not brush the shutters and pulling the weeds that were growing in the narrow space between them and the brick of the house, I made the first trip to deliver the plant debris to the forest behind the house. As I rounded the corner, I noticed how wonderful the pyracantha berries looked - with some green and some orange. The bush is full of bunches this year and I’ll probably cut some branches for a fall centerpiece when they reach their full orange glory.

There is always something that is changing or new outdoors…and chores often give us enough time to realize it. Outdoor chores provide a great opportunity to slow down and savor the natural world.

Ten days of Little Celebrations - February 2013

Back in August 2012, I posted about finding something to celebrate each day. It’s an easy thing for me to do and the habit of writing it down reminds me to be grateful for these and a myriad of other things in my life. Here are some ‘little celebrations’ I’ve noted this month:

Sweet potato with cinnamon. The smell of cinnamon wafting through the kitchen on a winter’s evening….its flavor melding with the sweet potato to make the vegetable the high point of the meal. It’s just a bonus that the rich orange of the sweet potato make is visually appealing too.

Low weight and high 401K. Having two metrics trend in the desired direction on the same day is something to celebrate!

Being a matriarch now rather than in 1913. I posted about this thought on the day I was celebrating. Even with the acrimonious political situation in the country right now - there are so many advantages to living now rather than 100 years ago.

A rainy day at home. Sometimes a gray day spent at home has such a huge recuperative power that it is worth celebrating.

A flock of blue jays. The jays looked like a cohort that had spent the winter together….and not a very easy one. They were scruffy looking. For all that - their morning chatter was cheerful and it enjoyed their presence on a cold day through the window.

Sounds of melting snow. The snow was only a little over an inch on the ground and rooftops but the temperature climbed so rapidly one the snow came up that the gurgling of water in the gutters and drain spouts….the plops of snow falling from branches….it sounded very much like a harbinger of spring.

Plans for travel. I enjoy travel but this month I’ve realized that I enjoy the planning and anticipation too. I’m celebrating that…..and looking forward to travels coming in the spring.

Dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is a food I celebrate every day because it is the treat I don’t give up completely no matter how strict the diet I pick for the day.

Nature Center Friends group. Finding a good fit for volunteer efforts is always something to celebrate. I found mine working with a Friends group for a local nature center.

Majesty of tall trees swaying in the wind. The trees of the forest behind our house are quite tall. They are dominated by tulip poplars. Their tops move significantly in the winds but - so far - they have all stayed upright. I suspect that the trees are supported by being in a forest rather than alone in a yard. Seeing the bare branches move against the sky is a celebration of life on earth reaching outward while still bound to the planet.