Zooming in the Garden

Ordinary things become quite different with the ability of modern cameras to magnify. I’ve collected some recent favorites below.

2013 08 bee zoom.jpg

Do you see the pollen on the bee?

What about the veins in the tiger swallowtail wing? They almost look like pleats.

2013 08 fairie lilies zoom.jpg

The jumble of curves of pink lilies.

2013 08 gardinia zoom.jpg

A glorious white on white of a gardenia flower.

The red hues of a hibiscus petal.

2013 08 lotus pod zoom.jpg

The fractures of a drying lotus seed pod.

The spiral of an unfurling rose.

The alien looking center of a water lily flower.

Brookside Gardens - June 2013

Brookside Gardens in June: lush greenery of ferns, azaleas and rhododendron mostly over as are the peonies, the lotus are still just leaves, the southern magnolias have buds, the foxglove grow up a hillside, the hibiscus and angel trumpet have been moved outside, the papyrus fills a high corner of the conservatory.

My favorite find of the day was some hollyhocks. I remember them blooming near the side porch of a great aunt - so I thought of her today.

Enjoy the Brookside slideshow for June 2013!