Zooming in the Garden

Ordinary things become quite different with the ability of modern cameras to magnify. I’ve collected some recent favorites below.

2013 08 bee zoom.jpg

Do you see the pollen on the bee?

What about the veins in the tiger swallowtail wing? They almost look like pleats.

2013 08 fairie lilies zoom.jpg

The jumble of curves of pink lilies.

2013 08 gardinia zoom.jpg

A glorious white on white of a gardenia flower.

The red hues of a hibiscus petal.

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The fractures of a drying lotus seed pod.

The spiral of an unfurling rose.

The alien looking center of a water lily flower.

Around our (Maryland) Yard in May 2013

Spring is a few weeks behind the norm but it is quite lush at this point. The iris bulbs that I moved to a sunnier bed last fall have very fat buds. They are quite happy with the change in location and will provide fill for the area until the new azalea bushes we planted this spring can reach their full size.


Our tulips were mostly browsed by deer very early. We only had two that managed to bloom.


I forgot all about the chives that have come up for years where we now have a young sycamore. There is some weeding that will need to be done there.


The usual bird’s nest under the covered deck had multiplied this year; there are two at opposite ends of the support beam. The cats will glare through the boards of the deck at the robin chicks - unable to do more than catch a glimpse of the drama under their feet.


There was a slow moving bee on the dandelion. The air temperature was just warming enough for insects to become active.


The tulip poplar blossoms are still tight buds. I was surprised at how intact the shell of a bloom from last year still seemed to be after the buffeting of winter and spring winds.


Most of the violets that grow in the deep shade under the deck were done but one lingered.


The sweetest scent of the walk around the house was from a bush in bloom. I was surprised that insects were not buzzing around it. Usually they are. Perhaps I timed the walk perfectly - when it was still cool enough for the insects to be sedentary.