Clearing ‘Stuff’ - February

One of my goals in 2013 is to develop more discipline when it comes to ‘stuff’. I am posting monthly document my progress on this year long project. It is not quite the forcing function that moving would provide but (hopefully) will be enough of a reminder to keep focused.


I procrastinated to the last possible day for the February post. The progress has not been all that great in the month. I do have a few more books in the pile. The most substantial new boxes are VHS tapes. My husband and I decided it was time to give away the ones we had accumulated since our VHS player is no longer reliable and we are spoiled by watching everything in HD now. So I cataloged the titles for future reference and loaded up the boxes. We’ll revisit our need for some of them when and if we have grandchildren.

Household Tools - Cleaning

The tools I use around the house for cleaning have not changed tremendously over the past 40 years. Scrub brushes are the constants. What I use with the scrub brush has changed more than the tool itself; I’m all for the ‘greener’ cleaners like soda and vinegar - always relying on the brush to get the cleaner to the scum on the shower base or the worn-in dirt from heavy traffic areas of the carpet. My favorite brush is one that has a handle that allows a comfortable grip and keeps my hand well above the fray of dirt and cleaner.

I have another brush with a long handle made out of recycled plastic that I use for scrubbing vegetables or getting the larger clumps of food off dishes going into the dishwasher. The brush itself goes through the dishwasher cycle as well.

I remember using steel wool and soap-filled pads in the past but I don’t seem to need them as much these days. We do our grilling on a gas grill and burn off the mess rather than scrubbing it off. Soaking and the dishwasher handles most of the other kitchen messes.

I’ve tried various kinds of mops for non-carpeted floors. I have an old sponge mop which I haven’t used in years. It’s been so long that the sponge is probably rotten. The bucket sees more action than the old mop. The Swiffer is my current choice although I do not like the idea of creating trash with the pads. On the plus side, I find that I don’t need to mop all that frequently since we take our shoes off at the door if they are messy.

And what about brooms? I found one that has a dust pan attached in my basement that I don’t remember having. Did my daughter leave it here when she moved cross country? I tend to use a vacuum cleaner - and this series of posts is steering clear of electronic tools - rather than a broom. The brooms we use are relegated to outdoor jobs like sweeping leaves from the garage or deck.

Clearing ‘Stuff’ - January

Over time - we fill the available space in our homes with ‘stuff.’ Moving to a new house or apartment is a forcing function to clear out what is not needed. But what happens if you live in the same place for a very long time. Having lived in the same house for almost 20 years, I’ve had the luxury of putting off the task of getting rid of things. There is plenty of room to just let it accumulate.

One of my goals in 2013 is to develop more discipline when it comes to stuff. I am planning to do a monthly post to document my progress on this year long project. It is not quite the forcing function that moving would provide but (hopefully) will be enough of a reminder to keep focused.


What have I accomplished so far? 

  • To start off - I’ve selected an unused corner of the dining room and started a pile to donate or freecycle when I accumulate enough.
  • There are some old pictures that were bought to match a particular color scheme that no longer exists. The glass is broken in one. They all go into the pile.
  • The pile grew as I put away some Christmas decorations. There are some that are just not worth keeping for next year.
  • There are some books I’ve finished reading and won’t reference again. I’m switching more and more to ebooks, but I’ll be drawing down on my pile of physical books over the next year and most will go in the pile after.
  • We have an incredible number of address labels from charitable solicitations…and we create relatively little snail mail these days. I reduced the pile rather dramatically into the paper recycle. 

Of course - the really hard things are still to come: boxes of keepsakes mixed with flyers and brochures and wilted flowers. It takes time and thinking to go through them. I am more conscious now that most reminders of travels and events are in digital form.  

Gleanings of the Week Ending January 12, 2013

The items below were ‘the cream’ of the articles I read this past week. Click on the light green text to look at the article.

Mexican Hot Chocolate - yum. My variation of this uses hot tea to replace half the milk and stevia instead of the agave. I make it by the (large) cup…and haven’t quite got up the courage to add the cayenne.

Beautiful and Dramatic Thunderhead Clouds - my favorite is the Jason Clark one with the orange of sunset…lightning…and barbed wire in the foreground

12 tips to clean up, de-clutter and revamp your home - from Marlo Thomas. I’m going to try the grapefruit and salt idea for cleaning my bathtub and shower

Interlocking Origami Stars and Prisms by Byriah Loper

Moving through waters of human attention - Apollo Robbins…pickpocket and illusionist

Modern Parenting May Hinder Brain Development - new is not always better

Top Four Reasons Why Diets Fail - Inadequate sleep is one of the 4!

A Very, Very, Very Delicate Balance - rocks balanced by Michael Grab (watch the video)

Slices of Life, circa 1872 - some of the work referred to in the article that was published by Christian Wilhelm Braune in the 1870s is available on the Internet Archive here

Medallion Snowflakes - you don’t have to be a child to enjoy this little project