Newport Farm Birding

Our last morning of the Winter Delmarva Birding Weekend was at Newport Farm – a privately owned area near Ocean City with lots of conserved and managed wetlands. We gathered outside the gate along the road before carpooling into the farm building area.

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In one if the first ponds, we saw Tundra Swans and Brant. Both species breed much furthers north and are only around in winter along the Maryland coast.

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Soon after we saw them, the swans took off for their day of foraging elsewhere.

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There were American White Pelicans on one of the ponds as well. I managed to catch one of them getting breakfast. This is another bird that is only in the area during the winter.

At the end of a road with water on the sides – a fox looked out over a meadow, then noticed us. It seemed torn about which way to go….started back toward us then ran into the trees before it got close to our group. These pictures were at about the maximum of my camera’s zoom capability!

Two Great Blue Herons were at the edge of one of the ponds. Maybe they have a nest nearby….eggs will be laid soon.

There were lots of plants that still held berries and seeds for wildlife.

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The clouds were thick enough that the morning never got very bright.

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Maybe the pelicans were enjoying a relaxing morning…not being very active. I photographed a group where only one seemed to be very awake…and keen to swallow breakfast that must have been in his pouch…tilting the head back, the pouch upright.

And that was the last of the 3-day weekend of birding close to the Atlantic coast of Delaware and Maryland.