Brookside Gardens – Part 2

Continuing the images from Brookside Gardens in June…

The oak leaf hydrangea is in bloom this time of year. My daughter told me recently that the one in their yard (in Missouri) is blooming profusely and has a pleasant fragrance.

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There are lots of other things in bloom at Brookside – including some late blooming azaleas and the beginning of the milkweed bloom. The rose garden was taped off while we were there since it had been sprayed earlier that morning. I took one zoomed picture of a rose. The whole rose garden seemed to be full of flowers.

There are pyramids of art in the garden. I enjoyed the mosaics on the “El Salvador Memory” pyramid that was located near the visitor center.

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Early morning is my favorite time to walk in summer gardens and natural areas….before the heat of the day. Being outdoors makes for a good start for everything else the day brings.