Through my Office Window – August 2022

I am enjoying the office windows not having screens. It’s much easier to take pictures! The view from the sitting area in my office includes hollies, a bird bath, a rhododendron, and, if I look a little more to the left, a bird feeder.

After a rain I photographed some drops of water on one of the plants right outside the window…and the drops have reflections of the leaves!

More birds have discovered the bird bath recently. The most numerous birds I see there are the female and juvenile finches.

The doves and squirrel often share the shady place under the hollies in the hot afternoons.

I noticed a scruffy looking male cardinal that seemed to be displaying with his tail spread out and feathers fluffed…or maybe the behavior was just part of molting. The bird was under the bird feeder enjoying the seeds dropped by finches.

Another odd-looking bird was on the feeder this past week. I think it was a juvenile male grackle since I saw it with adult grackles….and the plumage does look like it is coming in black (the male color).

Finally, the one window that still has a screen on it looks out mostly to grass….and there was a butterfly hiding in the now lush green blades! I’ll take off the screen next time I do some yard work!