In Delaware Bay – the boat from Lewes

After the very wet and blustery morning, Saturday afternoon was wonderful for the boat from Lewes Fisherman’s Wharf out onto Delaware Bay. There were birds in the waterway between the wharf and the bay: a great blue heron


And buffleheads among them.


My pictures were not fabulous…but good enough for identification. The rocking of the boat makes it more challenging to stay on subjects. And some birds were just a little too far. These birds may be Surf Scoters. They were being identified by our guides.


There were seals swimming in front of the sandy beach of Cape Henlopen. We were hoping to see them on the rocks, but we only saw the mobile bumps in the water.


There were people and gulls on the beach.

The gulls were everywhere….flying up off the breakwater as we passed.


Sometimes they would sit for long enough…and I managed some portraits. My idea was to identify them all….but I’m being lazy and not doing it for this blog post.

My favorite is this one with the open beak individual on the far right – Great Black-Backed Gulls (note the pink legs!).


As we headed back….we went to the lower, enclosed part of the deck to get warm…after a few minutes I noticed a Bald Eagle on a breakwater (no other birds around it). I took a picture through the window since there was no time to run out to the open deck.


Overall – the trip was much more enjoyable than we anticipated from our experience in the morning. Maybe this is one to do again next year….