Gleanings of the Week Ending January 8, 2022

The items below were ‘the cream’ of the articles and websites I found this past week. Click on the light green text to look at the article.

2021 Year In Review: Top Stories From The National Parks – Lots of perspectives in these ‘top stories’ – lots of challenges but some room for hope in 2022.

Earth in 2021 – A 3-minute video summary from NASA….lots of before and after catastrophic events. The text in the post has a short description of the events in the video.

Top 25 birds of the week: Birding! – Bird photographs…always a great look.

Stopping dementia at the nose with combination of rifampicin and resveratrol – The research was done in mice…they started preparation for human clinical trials in November. If it is effective in humans and can be produced/distributed economically, it could be a boon for aging populations around the world.

Saguaro National Park – A place I visited frequently while by daughter was in Tucson for graduate school. It’s interesting how they are monitoring the keystone species in the park…concern is that fewer young saguaros are surviving these days.

Climate-driven weather disasters inflicted billions in damage in 2021, study says – The cost of climate change already is impacting economies around the world….doing something to reduce/mitigate climate change is quickly becoming the option that makes the most economic sense for everyone.

Poison Ivy – You don’t want to touch it…but it’s best left alone when it’s growing in a place where people are unlikely to contact it. Its berries provide food for birds in the winter, it does not hurt the trees it climbs, and its leaves turn red in the fall.

Chalk steams: why ‘England’s rainforests’ are so rare and precious – This article brought back memories of wading in chalk bottomed creeks in the Dallas, TX area when I was teenager. I don’t remember much about the plants and animals…more about the fossils weathering out of the chalk.

2021 Year In Review - Another Year of Photography During The Pandemic – Beautiful places…and some little photography lessons too.

The year in chemistry: 2021’s biggest chemistry stories – 2021 was quite a year for big chemistry stories! Several of them are likely to have high impact for years to come.

Most Memorable 2021

Looking back at 2021…the upheavals of 2020 continued: the COVID-19 pandemic, environmental/climate disasters, racial strife, and strident politics. This is the same list from my 2020 post; when I wrote it, I was optimistic about 2021…the year turned out to be worse in terms of unheaval. Even so – 2021 was still a good year…my personal experience overcoming the dramas happening in the country and world.

High drama times

  • Strident politics. In my life there are two traumatic national events that I remember vividly prior to 2021: JFK’s assassination when I was in 4th grade and planes impacting the World Trade Center/Pentagon (9/11). The January 6th attack on the US Capitol is now on the list too. My feelings watching the events as they occurred on 1/6/2021 were like what I felt watching the events on 9/11/2001: surprise, horror, fear that the US was being attacked and would either be forever changed or cease to exist. January 6th was probably worse than 9/11 because the attack was coming from within. A bright note -  occurring shortly after this black one, was Amanda Gorman’s poem/performance at Joe Biden’s inauguration; kudos to her; I wish that the warm glow of that moment would have become more infused in the year. Now…almost a year later, the anxiety for the health of the US Democracy is still there…underlying everything else going on. It’s frightening that a vocal minority evidently does not want democracy to continue; they want to control the way votes are counted to ensure their candidate wins or if their candidate does not win an election, they want ‘officials’ to override the results (based on the state election laws recently passed/proposed).  

  • Pandemic. At the beginning of 2020, the vaccines were just beginning to roll out; the trend looked very positive until the summer when it became more obvious that there were too many people refusing to be vaccinated….partly linked to politics in the country. Another drama that is at the intersection of politics and the pandemic is the increase in unruly passengers on planes – many times over the face mask requirement. The Delta variant and now the Omicron variant impacted the unvaccinated the most; at the end of the year, we haven’t surpassed the mid-January 2021 peak hospitalizations, but the Omicron variant cases have spiked very recently and the hospitalizations have started upward; more of the vaccinated are testing positive with the Omicron variant and having mild cases that don’t require hospitalization…the benefit of being vaccinated. It is so easy for misinformation to propagate…so many people that don’t question sources even if what they are hearing/reading does not seem plausible (i.e. that a drug to treat parasitic infections in animals would be an effective COVID-19 treatment) and individuals sometimes request that doctors provide the ineffective treatment! It must be incredibly stressful for medical professionals not only to treat increasing numbers of COVID patients (mostly that refused vaccination) but also to have patients that want to demand their own treatment again medical advise.

  • Racial (or any people seen as ‘different’) strife. There have been some high drama cases (Chauvin, Potter) that have achieved accountability…but no solid indication that policing practices are changing yet. And the arguments over US history in schools and books in libraries seem to be reverting to Jim Crow era strategies in some instances…and have long lasting implications. There is an intersection with strident politics too: the laws pasted to reduce access to voting my minorities in many states.

  • Environment/climate disasters. They are happening so frequently now that we are beginning to see them as normal…although the tornadoes that swept through Kentucky in December were unusual enough to made headlines. The financial impact of this ‘new normal’ is as devastating as the event itself. At what point will they overwhelm our economy?

Resuming road trips….seeing family.  As soon as I was fully vaccinated, I started traveling again but only to see family rather than for birding festivals or museums or national parks. Road trips are a way to travel with lots of control over interactions with other people. There were some big family events this year: a wedding and my daughter buying her first house; it was a great pleasure to be present for those and to be with my 90-year-old parents again! A big place: no one in the immediate family has tested positive for COVID so far…and we are continuing to be cautious.

Medical catch up. In 2020 I had put off regular doctor’s appointments and the number of issues that came from the restart of regular checkups in summer 2021 was a bit more than I expected…particularly the cancer diagnosis. Fortunately, all the issues are very treatable…no indirect long term health impact from the pandemic.

CSA to farmer’s market. I anticipated that I would be traveling for weeks at a time to Texas so didn’t sign up for the CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) in 2021…but was pleasantly surprised by the offerings of our local farmers market. It is something I will remember about 2021.

As 2021 ends - I am not as optimistic about 2022 as I was at the end of 2020 about 2021. January 6th (and aftermath) has fundamentally changed my perspective of democracy in the US. On a smaller scale - within my home and family, the resilience we all developed during 2020 has been sustained and may be permanent simply because we are so consciously aware that we need it!

My Favorite Photographs of 2021

It was a challenge to pick one picture from each month of 2021 to feature in this post….but a worthwhile exercise. I did not use consistent criteria for my choices, so these images are special for a variety of reasons.

January for witnessing interesting bird behavior – A bluebird on our deck railing looking up at our bird feeder full of other members of the flock…waiting a turn!

February for learning to make high key images – A high key image of a lily….the flower purchased at the grocery store. I had just watched a video about high key photography and was thrilled to have some easy successes.

March for beauty old and new – The crocus were out at Brookside Gardens but I found the remnants of last seasons flowers more interesting.

April for a bird trusting that I wasn’t a threat– A bird looking rather assertive. I had paused its search for food in the leaves to make sure I wasn’t a threat; evidently I wasn’t because it went back to its search a few seconds later.

May for memorializing a bird – A juvenile little blue heron in the cattail leaves at Josey Ranch in Carrollton TX. It had a broken wing so I think of this image as a monument to its short life.

June for something that only happens every 17 years – The periodic cicadas seemed to be thick everywhere – even our yard. This one was under our red maple.

July for interconnection in nature– Back in Texas…am insect on a cosmos flower on a cool morning.

August for the fragile beauty of a new butterfly – A monarch butterfly seconds after it emerged from its chrysalis is our front flower bed.

September for capturing a small thing, seeing it better than I could with my eyes – Some birds nest fungus in the mulch at Howard County Conservancy. I was thrilled that I had my gear (phone, clip on macro, clicker) even though I hadn’t planned to do any macro photography!

October for being in a river – More macro photography – this time the wing of an insect on a rock just above the water line….photographed on a volunteer gig before the students arrive.

November for the colors of the flower – Another view of a cosmos flower. I like it when the light is such that a black background is possible.

December the new orb sculpture at Brookside – A surprise (for me) at Brookside – I hadn’t seen this sculpture before…and I also enjoyed the holiday lights (missed them last year).

Hopes for 2021

I followed my tradition of putting away holiday decorations on New Year’s Eve…taking a few pictures as I made my way around the house taking things apart…gathering it all to take downstairs to the storage bins and boxes…packing is all away. I put the maple seedling and dried sunflowers I’d kept in my office window out in the front flower bed….a cleaning out to begin the new year.

I started thinking about what I hope will happen for us in 2021. Here’s my wish list for the country –

  • A transition of national leadership….and immediate focus of that new team on the response to the pandemic and initiation of actions based on data and wisdom rather than political whim…thus calming the mental stress that was increased by the leadership-created-chaos of 2020.

  • Organized rollout of vaccines across the country – setting reasonable expectations of the process and the results of the program.

  • Pace of economic recovery increasing as the pandemic subsides.

  • Approaching pre-pandemic types of activities by fall 2021.

For myself and my family – I hope that

  • We all stay vigilant protecting ourselves for getting COVID-19…and we get the vaccine before mid-year.

  • We can visit in-person (also by mid-year).

  • I get to return to my volunteer gigs!

  • By the fall, there will be in-person birding festivals to enjoy

It could be better….the vaccination rollout happens faster than it appears to be at this point!

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year 2021!