Spiders on Deck

We haven’t been out on our deck very much this summer. A pair of barn swallows built a nest on one of the walls and became frantically active to divert attention from the nest if we ventured out there. They are gone now, and we are planning to knock down the nest and scrub the area under it.

But - our steering clear of the area has resulted in spiders moving in! One funnel spider made its funnel between the cushion and back of a chair! It must not have been a good spot since the funnel is abandoned.

The same is true of the large web (maybe not a funnel) in the corner of a window. This one was successful in trapping a cicada…which might have been more than the spider could handle!

We have lots of funnel spiders in our yard…and they are often still inhabited. I photographed one after out sprinklers ran (water droplets) and got a closer view of the spider lurking in the funnel!

Our deck is a story off the ground but perhaps the spiders drift upward under some conditions - with a silken parachute!