Ceramics of Masayuki Imai

Like many other museums, The Phillips Library at the Peabody Essex Museum has contributed many volumes to Internet Archive. This exhibit book from 1985 is just one example. Books made to sell in museum gift shops during an exhibit quickly go out of print so being able to browse them digitally is the best way to savor an exhibit whose contents has long scattered.

Masayuki Imai ceramic art 1985 : Peabody Museum of Salem, 21 March-21 May, 1985

I chose 3 images from the book as sample images for their shapes and subjects. I like all things botanical and there were a lot of plants featured in Imai’s work; there probably are not many pots that feature floating pitcher plants like his! Cranes might be a more popular decoration…but the shape of the pot was unusual. The color of the 3rd pot was different than the majority of the pots, making it stand out.

The book includes a short biography of the artist. I did a search but couldn’t find an updated one.