Repurposing a Bedframe

Before we moved from Maryland, I contemplated donating the frame of the bunk beds my daughter had enjoyed until middle school; it had been disassembled – stored in a basement closet for longer than it had been used! Then I came up with an idea to repurpose it and included the bedframe in the furniture to go on the truck to Missouri. So – now we’ve followed through on my idea.

The frame along with all our camping gear was unloaded into the bay that would not be used for a car in our Missouri 3-car garage. Last week we got around to assembling the fame (very easy…took a few minutes) and loading the camping gear onto the frame. The before and after pictures are below and there is still room for more gear!

The advantages of the frame are:

  • it gets everything off the floor,

  • handles the larger items very well, and

  • has plenty of room for lighter items (like ice chests) on the upper bunk!

The idea also appeals to me because the frame reminds me of my daughter’s early years…and how much fun she had with blankets hanging from the top bunk to enclose the bottom where she and all her stuffed animals slept.