Kittens! – Day 3

The kittens’ third day at our house was another milestone…the doors were opened to let them out into the whole 1st floor of the house. They played hard with each other and with us…lots of mad running to hiding places when anything startled them. Their favorite sleeping place was the extra office chair in my husband’s office….in various heaps. They’ll soon outgrow the chair…at least for all three at once.

Sooty was the first to do a lot of things – find the low window/door where he could look outside, jump up on the kitchen counter using a couch as ‘steps,’ explore the inside of the grand piano using the bench and keys as ‘steps’.

We renamed Suki to Pooky (we remembered that Pooky was Garfield’s bear in the comic strip…decided to spell it the same way) because Suki sounded too like Sooty. She is a little more timid than Sooty but often follows his lead on some adventures. She might be the smallest of the three.

Puma is more reclusive, but he is out and about when people are not too close. He, like the other cats, likes to sniff everything. They all like the small mouse toys with catnip inside.

In the early evening, a thunderstorm made some loud noises and they all retreated to the drawers under the futon; that is their ‘safe’ place.

We sequestered them in the room/bathroom overnight. Overall – they did very well in the larger space although they didn’t like the large cat tree. Maybe its size is overwhelming for them right now.

Previous Kittens! Posts: day 1, day 2