Carrollton Yard – July 2022 (1)

It takes regular watering to keep my parents’ Carrollton yard from drying when the coolest it gets is the low 80s…the high being over 100 degrees…heat advisories almost every day. Many flowers have bloomed and then dried very quickly.

The crepe myrtles are blooming almost normally.

The cosmos are not as lush as they were last summer – fewer blooms and they seem in a hurry to make seeds.

The same is true for some other flowers.

There are two tiger lily plants with multiple flowers on each stalk blooming in the center of a large bed. My sister wades into the foliage to cut some to bring inside….making a short bouquet for the table.

I went outside multiple times first thing in the morning to take pictures with my phone and my bridge camera. The flowers always draw the eye first but the other plants in the yard are often more interesting on closer observation.  Stay tuned for subsequent posts…different perspectives on the same yard.