Goodbye to the Wheelbarrow

We made the decision to not move our wheelbarrow to Missouri over a month ago. It was rusting and the tire had never managed the heavier loads very well. We took it to scrap metal collection at our county landfill after we finished using it for the yard work and moving other items headed for trash/recycling from the basement around to the front of the house.  

The wheelbarrow was a legacy from my mother-in-law…one of the items that continued to remind me of her through the over 30 years since her death. I don’t remember her buying it during the year or so she lived with us, so it must have been something she moved from Texas to Maryland. She did a lot of gardening that year, but it seems improbable that she could handle the wheelbarrow physically. We still have miniature daffodils and day lilies in our yard from the bulbs she bought/planted; I moved them with us from our previous house. I’ve decided not to dig up bulbs to take to Missouri…concerned about introducing some invasive insect or worm that is common in Maryland but not in Missouri. I’m going to buy some new bulbs next fall and when they bloom – I’ll still be reminded of her.