Packing Strategy

With the serious house hunting in Springfield, I am beginning to get serious about packing what I can…and my strategy is becoming established.

I am packing dressers, filing cabinets, bedside chests, cat carriers, and a cedar chest with items that fit…and will be protected by the furniture. For example –

  • 8x10 framed pictures can travel on edge in filing cabinets back to back or front to front…either filling the drawer or using the follower block to snug the pictures toward the front of the drawer…and all the extra space filled with bubble wrap to keep them from moving inside the drawer.

  • Plastic hangers are light weight and can be stacked into drawers with small linens packed around them to keep them stacked.

  • The cedar chest was packed with linens and then topped off with a body pillow!

  • I took my earring collection out of a narrow drawer of my dresser…will pack it in a box I will take in the car since I don’t want them scattered everywhere inside the chest. The shallow drawer will hold a towel or two…added at the last minute. The other drawers will be filled completely with clothes at the last minute.

  • Suitcases have also been packed up. We have some large ones that we don’t travel with anymore (they get too heavy). I’ve packed some of them with my daughter’s collection of large stuffed animals/Beanie babies! And there are two that I am reserving for the clothes in my closet. It’s just occurred to me that I need to reserve suitcases for my husband’s clothes as well!

  • What is more logical than to pack cat paraphernalia in the cat carriers? We will get another cat once we are moved/settled in Springfield so are moving it all.

And then there are boxes. I’ve been using boxes that are good sizes that we’ve gotten from our orders over the past year; many are already packed. I bought 25 book boxes that will hold the rest of our books and some kitchen items. I saved boxes from some of our kitchen items; they’ll get moved in their original boxes!

There are some items that we’ll ask the movers to pack – thinks like lamps with glass bases and floor lamps that are 6 feet tall. My husband wants them to pack his office (minus the electronics) and the television.

There are items we’ll take in our cars to Springfield: electronics (computers, monitors, printers, scannter), art glass, and my earrings. The last carload will include everything we need to maintain/clean our current house as it is on the market after we move…right before it is finally passed to its next owner. There will be ample trips to Springfield to get everything moved.

And now back to the priority of finding a house in Springfield that will meet our needs going forward.