Rough Green Snake

My son-in-law saw (and photographed) a rough green snake while he was hiking at Ritter Springs State Park near Springfield, Missouri. What a wonderful color! His picture prompted me to do a search to identify it…learn more about the snake.

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The highpoints of what I found: They are exploited by the pet trade – and people that want to keep them as pets (I’d rather they stay in the wild!). The snake eats insects and other small invertebrates - spends most of its time in trees, often near water. Not venomous. Their range evidently extends into the area where I live in Maryland, but I’ve never seen one. I’m going to start looking for them. It would be quite a thrill to see them in the wild.

Not long after I received the picture, there was a blog post from DFW Urban Wildlife that included some pictures of a rough green snake in Texas! It contained some other critters that are hard to spot in the wild. I am going to look more closely for them…hone my observation skill. It’s probably true that there is almost always more to see out in nature than we notice!