Short Hike at Howard County Conservancy – 3

Continuing the posts about our recent hike at Howard County Conservancy’s Mt. Pleasant

We met some birders along the path along the restored part of Davis Branch …they told us about a heron standing in the stream. My husband and I went into quiet mode as we walked – checking the stream through the vegetation between the trail and the water…looking for the heron. Nothing. We got to the end of the trail and headed back…and saw it! The vegetation had blocked the view coming from the other direction.

The birds was a Black-crowned night-heron. It was standing very still in a shady riffle. At one point, we though the bird might be looking for breakfast, but we didn’t see it go after a fish or move very much for the time that we were watching. It did look around briefly. The red eye is striking.

I enjoyed experimenting with camera adjustments and magnification. It helped that the bird was so still. The smooth water in the foreground was a contrast to the turbulence beyond the bird.

Then bird then flew to a nearby snag in the wetlands area. I zoomed in for a closer look at the feet.

This was the first time I’d seen a Black-crowned night-heron at Mt Pleasant. I vividly remember seeing one on a birding field trip in Baltimore back in May 2018 – standing in trash that had accumulated in the water. It was refreshing to see the bird in better habitat.