Maryland Sunrise and Partial Solar Eclipse

We got up at 5 AM yesterday to get to a location my husband had scouted out the day before to view the partial solar eclipse that would be happening as the sun came up. Our house is surrounded by trees that block a clear view of the eastern horizon….but we didn’t have far to go. We used the turn our of the Gorman Farms CSA! We got their about 10 minutes before sunrise. I started taking pictures of the horizon pre-sunrise. At first we weren’t sure exactly where the sun was going to appear but we eventually saw the brighter glow in the trees at the horizon.

We heard and saw birds….a squirrel on the split rail fence…deer in the nearby mowed field. It was a great set up for the big event even though we knew the clouds were probably going to obscure the somewhat (or maybe completely).

In the end, we had a brief view of the sun before the cloud deck covered it. My husband got a few pictures (below). We were using the filters we purchased to observe the total eclipse back in 2017. The few seconds the sun was visible were not long enough for me to get a picture!