Decorating for December – Part 1

We have made a slow start decorating for December. The evergreen swag I hung on the front door before Thanksgiving will last through December. I got out the Christmas cards from years past to display on door scrunchies and under plastic on our table. There were other cards backed with small magnets strong enough to hold them securely to metal doors (between the laundry room and the garage...the breakfast area and the deck). I like the holiday scenes in places we see them frequently.

The cards hold pieces if our history…getting older every year; we haven’t sent cards in recent years and are receiving fewer every year. People are more likely to communicate in other ways that don’t involve snail mail at all. Still – I savor the beauty of Christmas cards as part of the season…maybe even more that giving and receiving gifts…and certainly more that realizing I’ve eaten way too much!

Will I do more decorating? I’m still thinking about it…