Mowing Leaves

There were several days with no rain…conditions were finally right to mow the leaves. There were a lot more leaves than our usual because no mowing occurred in the two weeks I was gone to Texas and the trees in the back of the house seemed to drop all their leaves over a couple of days instead of weeks. I did a before and after picture of the back yard.

The maple and sycamore leaves were thick back there with some oak leaves that had blown over the house or from a neighbors’ trees. Some of the sycamore leaves were bigger than dinner plates and were thick enough to make a different sound when the lawn mower chopped them up. I had raked a pile of them off the deck (there is one corner that they seem to collect in) and others from under the deck since I didn’t want to mow the ferns that are growing there.

Mowing over the areas of thickest leaves must have thrown up a lot of dust because I found my eyes itching and coughed several times. I need goggles and a mask! Maybe I’ll remember for the leaf mowing next fall.