20 Months in COVID-19 pandemic

20 months is a long time for a world crisis to be sustained…but the pandemic is still not over. It does appear that the US has crested the Delta Variant wave and the overall risk level in most areas of the country has declined over the past month. Vaccines and boosters are approved for more people recently too so I got a booster before I left on my road trip.

I am realizing that my cancer diagnosis would have come about 6 months earlier had I not made the decision to delay my annual physical until the vaccines became available and the infections began to decline last summer. I am relieved that the type of cancer I have is not a fast-growing kind; the prognosis is still about the same as it would have been: high probability of successful treatment.  There are probably a lot of people that made similar decisions about their health care during the pandemic and the already strained medical system is now dealing with the backlog of treatment while also addressing the ongoing pandemic.

It was good to be in the rivers again with high school students (volunteer gig for me). I enjoyed it more than ever before both because of the locations and because of the attitudes of the students. They seemed keen to participate…more focused on the field trip…grateful to be back in school. It was easy to be their guide!

There was home maintenance that was not a disconcerting as earlier in the pandemic. The normal checking of our heating system was less stressful…everyone wearing masks. Almost everyone has gotten used to wearing them indoors. We also had a crew trim our trees….for the first time. Our house is ready for winter.

The trip to Longwood was our first since before the pandemic. It was a good day trip for us although I enjoyed the pre-pandemic version more.

And then I felt confident enough to make another road trip to Texas….still in the mode of carrying all my food for the drive with me and only spending one night in a motel (with an air purifier running in the room). I masked up every time I went indoors for rest stops too.

Overall – we’re coping…I hope the trend continues and the pandemic ends at some point although it seems likely that even if it does there will be enough climate changed induced disasters with enough frequency to keep the anxiety levels spiking. And I normally consider myself an optimist (pre-pandemic, at least); maybe I’m not recovering that outlook yet.