Red Bellied Woodpecker

There is a male red bellied woodpecker frequenting our bird feeder. He assertive and noisy…and very picky about the kind of seed he wants. The mix in the feeder right now does not have as many peanuts as our previous mix – which, in the past, has been the favorite of these larger woodpeckers. The bird seems to do its most effective probing with its head upside down (the bird is heavy enough that it partially shuts the seed openings of squirrel proof feeder).

The bright red swipe on the top of the bird’s head makes ID easy. The most zoomed images show how the texture changes closer to the bill (maybe shorter red feathers there?). These birds use the back part of their body to help hold their weight while they hug the feeder like a tree!

Our birdfeeder cam has broken so these images are all taken with a camera and shot through the window of my upstairs office. I have the camera set to take multiple images if I continue to hold down the shutter button.