Patuxent Research Refuge – Squirrels

The little surprise during our walk in the woods at the South Tract of Patuxent Research Refuge was the interaction of a pair of squirrels in a beech tree….probably about 10 feet above the ground and not too upset by my being within my camera’s zoom range. I was glad I had it set on continuous shooting although I could have also taken a video (somehow I don’t remember my camera will do that!). The squirrels seemed small and I wondered if they were litter mates…perhaps not that long out of the nest. They would probably be the last litter for the season since we are already have nights in the 40s and 50s.They stayed near the knot in the tree…and then, when one disappeared suddenly, I realized that there was a cavity there…large enough for both!

They could peek out one at a time.

I wondered if a woodpecker had enlarged the cavity…whether the squirrels will nest there during the winter rather than building a sloppy leave and twigs nest higher in the tree…if there was a woodpecker that would come to roust them from their hole. It’s fun to think about particular places in the forest…and a hole in a tree is certainly a place to build a story around.