Zentangle® - January 2020

31 Zentangle tiles for January…and only 2 were made on the iPad using the Procreate app. I was in the mood to make tiles on paper with pens, I guess. It wasn’t a conscious decision. I used different colors of tiles and tried some experiments before my Zentangle session with the Howard County Conservancy volunteers…hence the gingo and beautyberry patterns showing up more frequently. I didn’t use a singe round tile in January --- leaning toward something different after all the round ones I made in December for the Christmas tree. Next month it will probably be more balanced between paper and digital tiles since I will be doing some traveling and the iPad is often already in my hands (since it also provides my reading material).


The Zentangle® Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. It was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. "Zentangle" is a registered trademark of Zentangle, Inc. Learn more at zentangle.com.