Brookside Gardens after a Rain

Before and after our session with the butterflies in the conservatory last week, I took short walks around a very wet Brookside Gardens. The stream near the entrance was flowing over boulders that have been added in past few years to control erosion. I took a picture up and down stream from the bridge. The vegetation has increased dramatically over the past month.

A squirrel enjoyed a nut on a low pine branch.

The old water garden has matured into a rain garden. I like the low growing plants spilling over the rocks.

The winds had blown a small branch of leaves out of a tulip poplar tree and into the parking lot.

There were wildflowers blooming along the boardwalk between the conservatory and the nature center.

My favorites were the Jack-in-the-Pulpit

And the columbine.

There were some very wet mushrooms growing on an injured tree trunk…covered with slugs.

Many of the ferns were already unfurled but there was a fiddlehead and unfurling frond that I couldn’t resist photographing.

There were some very wet irises in one of the formal gardens

But I liked the red poppies more.

Photographs through my Office Window – April 2017

There has been a lot of activity through my office window this month. The squirrels are feasting on the tender samaras in the maple – early in the month

And then a couple of weeks later when the leaves are unfurling.

The squirrels have a pathway around our yard via trees and fence…rarely on the ground.

The robins are around but don’t seem as numerous as previous years.

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We now have two kinds of sparrows: chipping sparrows and

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White throated sparrows (with the dash of yellow above their eye).

The blue jays are still frequent visitors to the bird bath.

I haven’t seen a lot of grackles but there was one that visited our yard long enough for a picture.

We have a pair of cardinals again this year – probably nesting nearby.

Mourning doves like the birdbath and the roof line of our covered deck. This one seemed to want its picture taken!

Photographs through my Office Window – March 2017

I travelled enough during March that I missed seeing some birds that visited our backyard. I did see a Northern Flicker that seemed very interested in the area where a large branch was torn from a forest tree behind our house…probably insects there.

The crows come to inspect the debris in the gutter of our neighbor’s house. There are plenty of tulip poplar seeds still flying from the trees.

The blue jays are frequent visitors. This one is fluffed against the cold.

The juncos are still around and chase other birds away from our feeder. They’ll be leaving to head north soon. This one was in the maple tree…on a cold day.

The doves were around to get a drink of water from our heated bird bath…this one flue up to the roof of our covered deck afterward.

The most exciting visitor was the pileated woodpecker. My husband saw the bird first – in our sycamore…and then it flew to a pine. It inspected all the pots on a neighbor’s deck then flew to the roof of our covered deck.

I managed to photograph a squirrel in the sycamore just before it made the leap to our deck. It gets a drink at the heated bird bath and sometimes tries to get seed from our feeder (but has not succeeded in dumping the feeder yet!).

And then there was the landscape pictures of our backyard: highlighted tracks (human) through the snow and

The forest on a foggy day (yesterday).