Zooming – April 2017

What a difference between March and April! The collection of zoomed images this month is dominated by flowers: Tulips with sunshine through their petals and patterned centers,

Wild flowers on the forest floor,

And trees with flowers like Dogwoods,

Tulip poplars, and

Carnation tree (a type of cherry) petals carpeting the sidewalk after a rain (when it dried out, a little boy on a walk with his mom had great fun scooping up the petals and throwing them in the air like confetti!).

Of course, there were a few other scenes where the zoom on my camera was appreciated: Canadian geese on an island in Centennial Lake (Do you see the one asleep on the nest keeping the eggs warm?),

The occasional early insect,

And the quivering of the water in the overflowing bird bath during a light rain (taken from my open front door so that I wasn’t out in the rain).