Mt. Pleasant Nature Center Expansion

The construction is complete on the expansion of the Howard County Conservancy’s Mt. Pleasant Gudelsky Environmental Education Center. I was there last weekend for an event held on terrace (upper level in this picture). The Nature Center and offices is below.

The Nature Center can be partitioned or left as one larger area. The flow of the area will make handling school and summer camp groups so much easier.

There are several topic areas: honey bees,

Watersheds display and map with high schools and a few highways overlaid on the rivers of Howard County,

A forests corner,

And a display wall for critter tanks (and a column made from a tree trunk!).

The event on the terrace overlooked the Honors Garden – very green from the recent rain. I liked that the railings were made to contain even small children!

The areas around the building are recovering from the construction. The flower pot people are dressed for summer

And the plantings along the walks are blooming.