Best of Rest at Brookside

I’ve already done 3 blog posts this week about my walk around Brookside Gardens (ginkgo buds, tulips, and landscapes). This time of year the gardens are very different every time I go. This post is the last one for the April walk around the gardens – and the best of the rest of my pictures: unfurling leaves,

A globe of small flowers catching the sun,

The last wave of narcissus blooms,

A mourning dove giving me a wary look from high above my head (the zoom works well for pictures like this),

Deciduous magnolia blossoms – damaged by the frost but not enough to be destroyed completely,

And fiddleheads. I didn’t see these at first because they still looked mostly brown and the old fronds from last fall were all around them. Soon they uncurl and make the space under the trees lush with greenery.