Take 2 - Photographs Through a Window – November 2016

To many birds stuck around for me to photograph them from my office window…I decided to do a second post this month of ‘photographs through a window.’ So – here goes. The first juncos have returned from the far north. They aren’t quite at the numbers from last winter so there may be more on the way.

A red bellied woodpecker investigated the gutter on our covered deck – calmly surveyed our yard. It was long enough for me to get two reasonably good pictures.

The white breasted nuthatch is around as well – contorting itself to get seed from our feeder. They are easy to identify at the feeder since they are one of the few that are head down at the feeder.

One morning the birdbath was frozen and a very frustrated blue jay was thirsty.

The chickadee had the same problem a few seconds later. It's time to put the heated bird bath out - avoid this problem for the birds.