1980 Flooding in Plano TX

When we bought our first house in the late 1970s, we were told it was in a 100-year-flood-plain and we were required to have flood insurance. The closest we came to needing it during the 5 years we lived in the house was in 1980 – twice!

In the spring time, heavy rains caused the little stream in the park less than a block from our house to swell and overflow its bank. Water rich is sediment roared through the park scouring grassy slopes. Debris caught on trees that has been growing on the stream bank but were in the middle of the fast moving water during the flood.

The water covered the sidewalk and made the signage for the park look short. The area of houses across the park from where we lived was newer. I wonder now if the runoff was made worse by the increase in impervious surfaces with the new housing developments that were springing up all over the area.

In the fall there was another flood. We got out and drove around a little. Some roads were closed – but they were side roads rather than main thoroughfares. The water was not very deep (note the person walking out into the water on the left of the picture below.

The stream in the park near out house flooded again. As soon as it stopped raining – people in the neighborhood came out to take a look.

My husband also took a picture of the failing infrastructure that ran along the side of the stream. The flood water probably had more than just rain runoff in it; the sewer system was overwhelmed at least in some places.

In the time since 1980, that area of North Texas has continued to develop. The land is relatively flat so municipalities have made greenways with space to let water collect or channels to move water more quickly to places where it can collect. I’m glad my current house (in Maryland) is not in a flood plain!