New Camera

I got a very early birthday present this past week – a new camera. We are doing several photo-op travels this fall and I wanted it early enough to learn how to use it effectively before the actually need. Most of the settings are the same as my previous cameras since it is the newest version of Canon Powershots I’ve had for the past 4 cameras. This one is a Canon Powershot SX720 HS.  The main upgrade from my previous camera is a 40X optical zoom rather than 30x. Images of birds and insects should get even easier!

My husband ordered a few extra items with the camera: an extra SD card and two extra batteries. The three batteries should easily last for a day out in the field!

He also found a compact sling strap to easily carry the camera. Previously I’d put it in the pocket of my photo-vest but it sometimes took longer to get out than I wanted and when it was hot I didn’t want to wear the photo-vest at all. I’ve already worn it out and about once; it is easy to use. In cold weather, I could wear it on the inside of my coat to keep the battery warmer while I was walking around but reach inside and position it to take pictures much faster that getting it out of a pocket.

Another new convenience – a padded short strap that uses the same size clip as the sling strap. So – if I want a strap to just put around my wrist to carry the camera, I have that too. The down side is that it monopolizes one hand. Right now I think I will use the sling strap more often.

Tomorrow’s post will include some of my ‘first pictures’ with the new camera.

Photography Gear

I am particularly pleased with the results my current nature photography gear. Whether I’m taking pictures through the window of my office or out hiking – my Canon Powershot SX710 HS on the Oben Monopod with Tilt Head gives me the best overall performance although sometimes I manage with just the camera. I carry an extra charged battery but rarely need it if I start the day with a fully charged battery in the camera.

When I am away from home for more than a day, I take the battery charger and almost always copy my pictures from the SD card to my laptop at the end of each day. That gives me two copies of the pictures while I am traveling. I clean off the SD card when I return home and have at least two copies on other media (i.e. external drives not all in the same location).

I’m very pleased with the images this compact gear allows me to capture – although I’ll probably upgrade to the Canon Powershot SX720 SX (going from 30x to 40x optical zoom). What can I say – I’m drawn to new technology!