Milkweed Bugs

This time of year there are many stages of milkweed bugs on just about every milkweed plant I look at. They can be anywhere on the plant – seed pods

And leaves are places where they seem to congregate.

Many times there are several different stages of development (based on size and coloration differences). Sometimes the sheds from when a bug made the transition from one instar to the next are visible (the brownish objects in the picture below).

The more mature instars have more obvious beginnings of wings.

The very young have tiny buds where the wings will grow.

Sometimes there is an adult among the group.

In the end they are all enjoying the nutritional bounty of the milkweed seed pod that are just maturing this time of year.

There are so many grouped on the leaves it is hard to fathom how there can be enough food for them all

And leave enough seeds for the milkweed to reproduce itself.

The bugs must overcome the plant’s reproduction by seeds in some cases. The milkweed has a backup plan – underground runners and roots that can come up next year as a clump of clones to try again.