Happy New Year 2016

Another beginning…a new year with lots of potential….places to go…friend and family to enjoy…experiences.

I did my traditional picture of the 1st sunrise of the year. It isn’t a hard thing to do this time of year since happens around 7:30 AM where I live and all I have to do is step out my front door. It always seems like an excellent way to celebrate the start of the new year – better than staying up until midnight and messing up my normal sleep cycle! Unfortunately the clouds were too thick this year. It is a gray day. So I photographed a robin that seemed to be watching for the sunrise with me.

The beginning of a new year is a good time to think about changes we’d like to make. I am focusing on my soft drink habit as one I would like to change (i.e. stop). I started afew days before the New Year so now I just need to continue the focused willpower and behavior change strategies that are working (so far).