Poison Dart Frogs at the Tucson Botanical Garden

The butterfly exhibit at the Tucson Botanical Garden (earlier post here) included more than butterflies and plants. There were poison dart frogs that were roaming about the greenhouse. The docent told us they had been imported a few years ago to help control ants and fruit flies; they seem to do a good job! When they first arrived they were about as big as a thumbnail. They are still small - about the size of a thumb.

For some reason - the blue ones (not sure how many of them there are) seemed to be the most active.  These frogs tend to climb around on plants and objects rather than jump. They are quite agile.

They seem to be constantly in motion and like to be under vegetation. One got close to the door and one of the volunteers moved the frog back to some plants. These are non-native to the US so are carefully contained in the moist greenhouse that is the butterfly exhibit in Tucson!

Which color is your favorite? I think the blue is mine but maybe it is because I managed to photograph them more easily.