3 Free eBooks - March 2015

So many good reads this month….I chose subject diversity to make my selection: biology, poetry, and design.

Maryland Biodiversity Project. 2015. A website started in June 2012 by Bill Hubick and Jim Brighton to document the biodiversity in Maryland. The pictures are the result of contributions of more than 400 naturalists and photographers. I enjoyed looking at the fungi particularly (here for the basidiomycota as shown in the image below) with more images for each one behind the thumbnail). I like that the images are categorized by county within the state too so I can see if anyone else has provided am image from my area of the state.

Stevenson, John (editor). The Herons Nest. 2015. This online journal publishes Haiku quarterly. It started in 1999 and the archives are all online. I am savoring the issues. Haiku and Zentangles® are the best ways I’ve found to get the ‘Zen’ fix for the day!

Tanaka, Kikua; Takazieva, Kiyoshi. Iroha-biki Moncho. Book of crests and designs. 1800. Three volumes available from the Internet Archive: volume 1, volume 2, volume 3. Wow - these books are full of designs that are easily incorporated into Zentangles.