Zooming - March 2015

The first half of March has been full of winter weather…and then a thaw.

The ice coated pines, deer browsed azalea, frozen drips on the bushes and the red buds of maple adding some color - all were topics for photographs in March.

Later we got a snow that was not heavy but it stuck to the tulip polar branches, sycamore seed pod, and cat tails. The lady bugs seem to like the indoors this time of year. I couldn’t resist adding at least one Zentangle ®to the Zoom collection this month.

When the thaw stated to occur - the Master Naturalist class made a trek into the woods and found fungus very easily: jellies, shelf fungus with pores rather than gills, and several kinds of lichen on stones and tree trunks.

By the end of the month there will be a lot of spring color. I’m already looking forward to compiling the Zoom collection for April!