Daylight Savings Time

2015 02 IMG_5892.jpg

We still have snow on the ground for this switch to Daylight Savings Time. Some of our clocks switch automatically to the new time - some don’t. My car switches automatically but not this early; so I’ll just have to remember that it is an hour off for the few weeks until the day we used to switch.

Is all this communal changing of time worth it? It is almost like our society has intentionally decided to test how well we can all do something in unison twice a year. The arguments that it is energy saving or give us more ‘light’ at the end of the day to enjoy after work - don’t hold up for me. If we want to have more light at the end of the day - why not make daylight savings time the time all year round; in the middle of winter it is dark at both ends of the day anyway. My daughter is living in Arizona - which does not change - and I’m convinced more every year that they have the right of it. No one needs the sleep disruption that the one hour shift causes.

But I live in Maryland and the state is with the majority of the US when it comes to daylight savings time. My husband changed the clocks that don’t make the shift automatically last night. We’ll be on time for classes and appointments.